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Lakeside Car, Boat, Bike and RV Show

Sat, August 15, 2020
8:00 am - 5:00 pm



Event Categories

Family Fun, Festival, Fishing & Boating, Fundraiser
LakeCounty, California Lakeside Car, Boat, Bike and RV Show

The Lakeside Car, Boat Bike & RV show brings classic cars from near and far, high-speed boats, show bikes and even vintage RVs to the shores of Clear Lake in Lakeport’s Library Park. 100% of proceeds going to Operation Tango Mike, an organization that sends care packages to in-service military personnel. Hundreds of cars line blocks and blocks in Lakeport while high-performance boats enjoy the waters and shoreline of Clear Lake along with RVs at the adjacent Willow Point campground. There are vendors, music by the Fargo Brothers, and more!

To confirm the date, register and get  more information visit http://www.curbside.tv/lakeboatshow.